Articles - Sharpening
Welcome to the Beaver Bushcraft Sharpening Articles page.
Razor S.H.A.R.K. Sharp (Simplified Honing for Advanced Razor-sharp Knives)

Sometimes it’s OK to Have a Damn Good Strop!
Stropping is the finishing step in sharpening a blade.
By way of explanation, let us state from the offset that...

Razor S.H.A.R.K. Sharpening
S.H.A.R.K. ‘Simplified Honing for Advanced Razor-sharp Knives’
The art of Sharpening is an emotive subject with a bewildering array of techniques, gadgets, jigs, whetstones and rules!...

Sharpening Q&A
Breaking In Your New Diamond Whetsone...

Testing the Sharpness of your Blade
Over the years I probably heard more baloney about what constitutes a sharp cutting edge, and how you should test the sharpness of one...