Articles - Fire Lighting
Welcome to the Beaver Bushcraft Fire Lighting Articles page.

Tinder ... Is it time for a New Vocabulary? 'Smoulinder' and 'Flaminder'
In this article I want to address and, hopefully, expand the richness and colour of the English Language ...

A Brief guide on how to use Traditional 'Flint & Steel'
The most common question we get asked is how do ‘these’ work?

Two Common Ways to Strike Flint and Steel for Fire Lighting
The use of ‘Flint & Steel’ is a very traditional way of making fire that stretches back in history...

How to Make Amadou Tinder
Amadou is a Top Quality Natural Tinder with the following qualities...

Chaga truly a great tinder fungus
In this article, we will look at the Chaga Fungus, Inonotus obliquus, which is truly one of the best forms of natural tinder...