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  1. And a bit of ember malipulation....

    Fire-Ferro Rod English Yew-Beaver Bushcraf 2Been another busy week at Beaver Bushcraft. Trying to get all our new products up on the website has been a bit slower the expected due to the weather conditions. One day raining, then a little bit of snow then the sun comes out which means a quick dash outside to do the product shots.

    We have had some lovely hand made Ferrocium Fire Steels arrive in from a talented maker based in the UK. The thing we like about these particular Fire Steels is that the designs are so varied  that there is a style to suit everyone's tastes, from traditional wooden handled ones to something a bit more funky. Make great birthday gifts too, something that’s a little different.

    leather- fire-showing ember malipitation with antler toggle-beaver bushcrafWe have also started to add to our range of 'oiled' leather  pouches. Our newest one has a handmade antler 'dibber' attached for 'ember manipulation'!!!! A handy little tool for teasing and playing with your ember without burning yourself. This style of Pouch is based on a traditional pattern and has two separate compartments, one side to keep your flint and steel in and the other side for Tinders. Actually you don't have to use it for that, one friend of ours uses his for his medicines!

    We still have more products to come, such as  some leather making  tools, plus Mark is designing some new 'hard' leather pouches and a new Belt design to come. Then we can start prepping for the Bushcraft Show…looking forward to the summer.